Owners Give Away Deals at the INN
From time to time we have Owners who can no longer vacation at the INN and they are offering, to other Owners, their property as a "GIVE AWAY"!
These weeks are offered for Sale for ONE DOLLAR, and the only cost of acquiring these weeks is for the Buyer to pay the Contract Transfer Fee, of $500.00.
2025 Give Away Listing
Mayan FLoating Week, wks 1 ~ 50
Mayan One Bedroom Suite recently remodeled $1.03 plus the Inn's Transfer Fee of $500.00, Ownership till 2041, Clarence Verveda, (403) 391-6772. Pictures and Description, 01/01/2025
You wonder 'Where is the Hitch"? My Friends there isn't one!
The Current Owner can return their Units to the Inn by just notifying the Inn and he walks away. In essence they are at the point where they just want OUT! Frequently they'll email me asking about the process of 'Getting Out' and my suggestion to them is prior to giving their time back to the INN, it to offer it to other Owners for a $1.00.
This is a WIN, WIN, WIN Deal for all parties.
1) They WIN, as they want out, and want to be relieved of the annual Maintenance Fees, but they want it done properly with dignity, as they too have loved their time in Mazatlan.
2) You WIN, as these are great deals. You can acquire additional week/s for only paying the Contract Transfer Fee of $500.00
3) The Inn WINS, as you will be continuing to pay the Annual Maintenance Fee, and best of all you'll be coming to the Inn and using the facility. For The Inn this creates that loved term - "Cash Flow"
4) All Owners WIN, these suites stay in the Timeshare operation at the Inn. If an Owner gives a unit back to the Inn we know that that unit is lost to we Timeshare Owners as it will go into the Inn's Hotel operation. We All Win on these deals.
We have purchased weeks from other Owners, and offer these suggestions.
1) The Contract must be signed and notarized by both parties. i.e. the current owner can sign and have notarized and then mail the Contract to the buyer.
2) The Buyer signs and has his/their signatures notarized.
3) The Buyer then surface mails the Contact to the Inn and then makes arrangements with Guest Services,
for the payment of the Contrast Transfer Fee of $500.00.
4) **NOTE** You may now send your mail to a US address and weekly it is forwarded to Mazatlan.
Inns de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
The Inn at Mazatlan, Inc.
8756 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154
Maria's Contact Information
Inns de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Guest Services,
#6291 Camaron Sabalo
Mazatlan Sinaloa C.P. 82110
(866) 921-2137 (US toll free)
(888) 965-6529 (Canada toll free)